Acupuncture Needles
Acu Needles and Soft Laser
Acupuncture needles come into use in dental medicine for resolving jaw problems, tooth aches, trigeminal neuralgia or even for strong gag reflexes. In our dental shop, you will find a large selection of various needles, acupuncture devices for painless laser acupuncture and much more.
More about acupuncture needles
Acupuncture Needles and Soft Laser
Acupuncture - Chinese for "small opening to the Qi" - is based on the stimulation of certain energy points. With this stimulation, blocked energies should be resolved and flow better again. Naturopathy is also more frequently being used in dental medicine as part of holistic treatment. Many dentists study a bit of acupuncture. The practice is no longer only focused on the teeth, but rather on the person as a whole.
It is well understood that the teeth have a direct influence on the organs. On the other hand, many illnesses and disorders have direct effects on oral health. When it comes to dental treatments, acupuncture can be helpful for fearful patients with a sensitive gag reflex. Along the same lines, improvements in inflammation, ulcers or herpes conditions have seen improvements from acupuncture.
Acupuncture Needles with Various Strengths and Specifications
All acupuncture needles in our dental shop are offered with various lengths and strengths, including acupuncture needles with profiled plastic handles or acu needles with silver or copper woven handles. The meridian pad is excellent for subsequent documentation of the acupuncture session, as the pages with the acupuncture points include the meridian lines, as well as ear acupuncture points.
As a completely painless alternative to classic acupuncture, we offer you the Biolas Soft Laser. This device is particularly well suited for children or patients with a fear of acupuncture needles. Thanks to the comprehensive accessories, the Soft Laser is great for ear acupuncture, herpes treatment or stimulating trigger points.
Acupuncture needles or the Soft Laser - purchase your needs at particularly low prices from Praxisdienst-DENTAL.