Matrices & Accessories
Matrices for the Dental Practice
A matrix is required as soon as the proximal space between two teeth needs to be filled. These separate the interdental space and prevents the filling material from adhering to the neighboring teeth. This allows the filling material to be easily thickened and later development is greatly simplified. In the posterior tooth region, Tofflemire matrices are used with the compatible matrix spanners. These matrices are made of very thin steel and the circumference can be adapted exactly to the tooth. After applying the filling and curing the material, the matrices can be simply removed and reprocessing proceeded.
Cheek Holders and Occlusion Paper
As soon as the filling is applied and developed, the height of the filling is monitored for possible matunital contact. For doing so, there is occlusion spray and articulation paper available. Occlusion paper is tensed with bracket forceps and placed on the chewing surface. Subsequently, biting down on the possible matunital contact is made visible by discolouration of the occlusion paper and, therefore, can be removed. Lip or cheek holders are used to improve visibility in the mouth. With these devices, lips or cheeks are easily held apart and the posterior teeth areas are more easily accessible. Furthermore, these make it easier to dry out the mouth and provide optimal visibility for situational jaw impressions, for example.
Matrices, separating strips, cheek holders, occlusion or cold spray can all be conveniently ordered online from Praxisdienst. Do you have questions or are you looking for a specific product? Our friendly customer service can be reached by telephone, email or chat.