Acupuncture Models
Acupuncture Models for Doctors, Naturopaths & Students
At Praxisdienst you will find a large selection of different acupuncture models. The acupuncture figures are also excellent as teaching material for acupuncture courses or as a refresher course for practitioners. Depending on the type of model, individual body parts (ear, hand, head) or even the whole human body with the associated acupressure points and/or the matching meridian are shown. Acupuncture models that can be used to learn ear acupuncture are particularly popular amongst acupuncturists.
Acupuncture Models of Individual Body Parts
Do you need a model of a single body part, such as the ear? The ear acupuncture model with a skin-like surface made of soft PVC is an excellent choice. The model is highly magnified, sits on a wooden base and shows ear points in European notation.
The Hand Acupuncture Model is suitable for learning the Chinese point designations. The special soft PVC is pleasantly soft to the touch. In addition to the Chinese inscription, the points are also marked in European notation.
The Foot Acupuncture Model is designed similarly. Here, too, the acupuncture points are labelled in Chinese and European notation.
Models of the Human Body
The Life-size Acupuncture Model, for example, is suitable as teaching material for acupuncture courses or for Chinese acupuncture. The meridians and needle points are clearly shown on the male anatomical model. In addition, the model can be disassembled into 5 parts.
The "Acupuncture Head" Model can be used to illustrate the important pressure points and meridians on the head. This anatomical model is also life-size and likewise designed in detail.
You will find suitable products for acupuncture treatment and other therapeutic measures in addition to diagnostic instruments and matching accessories such as acupuncture needles in the category Diagnostics.
Order Anatomical Models at a Low Price
Do you still have questions, need further information or are you looking for a special model for acupuncture? Our customer service will be happy to advise you. Simply contact us by phone, email or live chat.