Acupuncture Needles
The Right Acupuncture Needle for Every Medical Purpose
Acupuncture by needle or now also by laser is a treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine. Due to the wide range of applications, there are numerous variants of disposable needles. Therefore, the single-use acupuncture needles from our range are supplied in different sizes (0.20 x15 mm - 0.35 x 60 mm). They are coated for a painless puncture providing optimal patient comfort and are delivered under sterile conditions.
Depending on whether you need needles for classical body acupuncture or ear acupuncture, we offer needles with different handles of very high quality. To suit every need, you can choose between silicone-free or silicone-coated needles. Needles with a plastic handle are suitable for precise needle placement because of their good grip. Needles with a silver coil handle handle or copper grip also display this property, but in addition they can also be used for moxibustion.
Laser Acupuncture
The needle-free treatment is performed with laser light, which can be used for surface treatment of the skin as well as for laser acupuncture. This form of acupuncture using a laser beam is particularly gentle and pain-free and avoids undesirable effects at the puncture site.
In our range you will find, for example, the Biolas soft laser, which can be used for targeted laser acupuncture and surface treatment of the skin. It also features an integrated acupuncture point finder, which enables even non-professionals to determine acupuncture points precisely. The Mini-Biolas soft laser has been developed for use in soft laser therapy (for eczema, scar treatments, sprains, etc.), but can also be used for acupuncture. In addition to its high laser power, the BioLas 6s soft laser model also impresses with its practical acupuncture point finder.
Areas of Application
Acupuncture and laser acupuncture are used for many different, mostly painful medical conditions. From migraines to respiratory system disorders to gastrointestinal disorders, acupuncture is used for the treatment of many health problems, to relieve pain and promote improved body awareness as well as improved overall health and quality of life of the patient. Meanwhile, this type of treatment is no longer only used by alternative practitioners, but also by physiotherapists and doctors with appropriate further training. Especially in gynaecology, acupuncture is now also used for prophylaxis, for example in preparation for childbirth.
Acupuncture Needles and Accessories for TCM
In the category " Acupuncture needles and accessories " we have put together a comprehensive product selection on the subject of acupuncture. Here you will find acupuncture supplies such as needles or the meridian block, for example, as well as the Biolas soft laser for laser acupuncture with integrated point finder for professional treatment of the body.
Do you have questions about our acupuncture needles and laser devices? Just contact us! Our customer service will be happy to assist you by phone, e-mail or conveniently via chat.