Laryngoscopes & Accessories
Laryngoscopes for Airway Management
The laryngoscope, also known as an intubation laryngoscope is used for inserting tubing into the patient's airway during endotracheal intubation. The direct laryngoscopy allows visualisation of the larynx and ensures that the tube can be directed through the glottis into the trachea.
Generally, laryngoscopes can be categorised into two types: those equipped with a battery handle and those with a rechargeable handle.
The battery-operated LuxaScope Laryngoscope Handle is available with Xenon or LED illumination and compliant with ISO 7376 and is comparable to the Heine laryngoscope battery handle F.O. SP.
The rechargeable 3.7 V variant of the Laryngoscope Handle from Luxamed is equipped with rechargeable lithium-ion battery and LED illumination. This is comparable to the Heine Standard F.O. 4 LED NT laryngoscope handle.
Choosing the right blade, (also known as spatula) facilitates the insertion of the tracheal tube and prevents injuries. A basic distinction can be made between Miller and Macintosh blades. The Macintosh-style blade is curved, while the Miller-style blade is straight. In general, straight blades are used with babies and children, because at this age, the epiglottis is still deformable. The laryngeal entrance is better represented by the straight shape of the Miller-type blade. Adults, on the other hand, are often easier to intubate with help of the curved Macintosh-type blades.
Of course, our assortment also includes high-quality laryngoscope sets. The LED laryngoscope set, for example, is delivered with handle and three reusable Macintosh-style laryngoscope blades of different sizes. The larger set from Heine is equipped with two Miller blades (for intubation in children) and three Macintosh blades for intubation in adults. They are simply disposed of after use to prevent cross-contamination.
Disposable Laryngoscopes
The practical single-use instruments are particularly hygienic and disposed of after use. As a result, they reduce the costs for reprocessing as well as the risk of infectious transmission. They are available in various, colour-coded sizes for children and adults.
Video Laryngoscopes
The video laryngoscope from Dahlhausen is used with hygienic, single-use blades and facilitates intubation in patients with difficult airways. Moreover, video laryngoscopy is ideal for teaching endotracheal intubation techniques, as the recorded images can be viewed by teachers and students alike.
In addition to the suitable endotracheal tubes, Guedel airways and nasopharyngeal airways, our shop also offers an assortment of laryngeal airways. The laryngeal tube from Söhngen W. is available in three sizes and has a distal and a proximal cuff.
You need more information on laryngoscopy with cold light or would like to purchase layngoscopy instruments with LED illumination? Our customer service looks forward to helping you! You may reach us via telephone, e-mail or live chat.