Transfusion Sets & Blood Bags
Transfusion Sets for Blood Transfusion Procedures
The transfusion set is used for blood transfer e.g. for blood transfusion procedures or ozone therapy (own blood drips). In order to prevent the blood components from clotting in the patient's circulatory system, transfusion sets are typically fitted with a 200 µm pore-sized filter.
In this category, we offer you various transfusion sets and supplies for blood transfusion procedures including blood conservation bags with tightly connected puncture needles for drawing donor blood. Depending on whether you want glass bottles or vacutainers, or if you prefer to work with transfusion bags, we offer you transfusion sets with both metal and plastic puncture points.
Conveniently Purchase Transfusion Sets & Accessories
In our online shop, you may conveniently purchase the proper transfusion sets for ambulatory or clinical areas, as well as the compatible accessories, at affordable prices. You can find additional articles for infusion and blood drawing such as transfusion sets or blood collection tubes in the Infusion/Injection category. Feel free to get in touch - via e-mail, telephone or live chat.