Microscope Specimens
Ready-for-use microscope specimens and Specimen Boxes
In our category "Microscope Specimens", you can find ready-for-use microscope specimen slides to view under a microscope, as well as a range of boxes to store them, such as specimen folders and specimen boxes.
Microscope Specimens for Teaching and Viewing Purposes
In this category, you can find already finished and preserved microscope specimen slides that are durable and can be reused multiple times. As a result, the reusable slides are ideal for teaching and viewing purposes in the classroom.
Preserved Microscope Slides and Histological Specimens
In general, microscope slides consist of a specimen placed between a microscope slide and a cover strip to be preserved with a special liquid. Such specimen slides can contain the preserved extremities of small invertebrates, plant parts or cells. At Praxisdienst, you can find the handy School Microscope Specimen Set containing classics such as onion cells, insect legs or insect wings. The set contains 35 specimens, making it ideal for beginners who want to get a first impression of microscopy.
Histological specimens are microscopic specimen slides containing tissue samples. In many cases, a colourant is added to the preservative, to make the sample's structures more visible. Common colourants are haematoxylin (e.g. for isolated skeletal muscle fibres), haematoxylin-eosin (HE) (e.g. for loose connective tissue) or silver staining (e.g. for spinal ganglia). Our popular Microscope Specimen Slides set contains 100 histological human and animal specimens, including neurons, glandular epithelia, bone marrow or lymph nodes. The set also includes a wooden box to safely store the samples.
Specimen Boxes for Safe Storage
The durability of the microscope specimen slides is not only influenced by the way they are preserved, but also by their storage. To protect the specimens from sunlight, dirt, dust and mechanical strains, they need to be neatly put into slide boxes. As a result, they are protected from their environment and easy to transport. At Praxisdienst, you can find boxes made from different materials to sort up to 50 or 100 microscope slides. For the safe transport of smaller quantities (between 2 or 20 slides) we also offer cardboard slide folders with a protective lid.
Do you have any questions regarding our microscope specimens or their storage? Feel free to contact us. Our customer service would love to answer your questions via telephone, e-mail or live chat.