Animal Acupuncture Models
Acupuncture in Animals
Acupuncture activates the body's self-healing process by restoring the balance of the physical and mental state through this traditional Chinese treatment method. By treating the pathways, also called meridians, the energy flow of these is positively influenced and the state of balance is restored.
This form of treatment enjoys great popularity in veterinary medicine and is being practised more and more frequently by veterinarians and animal health practitioners. Moreover, it can be used universally, is completely free of side effects and is very well tolerated by the animals.
With the help of acupuncture needles or acupressure, it is possible to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as HD and arthrosis, but also skin diseases, disorders of the nervous system and respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases. By acting on the essential points and meridians, orthopaedic, neurological and internal illness as well as chronic and acute pain can be successfully treated. In addition, acupuncture and acupressure have a relaxing effect on the muscles and thus calm the general condition of the animal.
Depending on the disease, certain points are defined for the treatment, which act on the respective meridian that is responsible for the corresponding functional circuit. It is important to know the appropriate acupuncture points, also called Shu points, for the different situations and diseases and to know where they are located.
In this category, we offer, for example, the acupuncture model horse or the acupuncture model cat and get a better overview of the respective acupuncture points.
Animal Acupuncture Models as Teaching Aids or Decorationy
Acupuncture models provide a visually simple overview of the essential points of acupuncture, but also of acupressure. Here, the animals, for example the dog or the horse, are depicted on a smaller scale and clearly show the common acupuncture points of the animal with appropriate labelling. Thus, our acupuncture models of dogs, cats, horses, pigs and cows support the veterinary practitioner in visual learning, give direct help with acupuncture and are also suitable as suitable practice decoration. In addition, the models can also be used to illustrate and explain to pet owners.
At Praxisdienst, you can get acupuncture models made of plastic, which are mounted on a decorative base and therefore have a particularly high-quality look. In addition, all models are two-sided models, showing the skin with the most important acupuncture points on the right half and the coloured internal structures of the animal with parts of the muscles, internal organs and bones on the left half.
For example, dog acupuncture model from HeineScientific - it serves as a visual support for the veterinarian as well as the veterinary practitioner during treatment.
Order Acupuncture Models at Praxisdienst at a Favourable Price
In our shop you will of course also find matching acupuncture accessories such as acupuncture needles. Discover more medical supplies for veterinarians and animal health practitioners at low prices.
Do you have questions about our models or are you looking for a specific product? Our friendly customer service will be happy to help you. You can reach us by email, phone or in our convenient live chat.
Editors: Elisa May, Elke Nieder