Acupuncture, a Popular Chinese Medicine Treatment
Acupuncture is a proven treatment method of Chinese medicine and has also played an important role in veterinary medicine for several years. The popularity of traditional Chinese treatment among veterinarians, veterinary surgeons and animal health practitioners continues to grow and complements western medicine in many areas.
Acupuncture offers a wide range of applications for pets and animals such as dogs, cats, horses and cows. The alternative healing method can be used for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as joint inflammation and arthritis. Likewise, veterinary acupuncture has proven to be an effective healing method for the entire body of patients in cases of respiratory diseases, metabolic disorders, muscular complaints, reproductive disorders and pain treatment.
Acupuncture is based on the treatment of the meridians. Meridians are pathways that run through the body and represent the energy network. The pathways have so-called acupuncture points, which are connected to certain muscles, organs or functions. If the energy flow is disrupted, illnesses or chronic complaints and pain can arise. With the help of acupuncture which stimulates the nerves, blocked energy of certain points is released and at the same time the self-healing powers of the organism are supported.
In this category we offer various acupuncture needles for acupuncture treatment of dogs, cats and horses at reasonable prices.
Various Needles used in Acupuncture
For the stimulation of the individual points, traditional needles are used in animal acupuncture, which are, however, chosen with regard to the anatomical characteristics and the differences between the individual animal species.
Different types of acupuncture needles can be used for veterinary acupuncture. The specific needles used depend on the form of therapy and the preferences of the user. The specific needles differ in the texture of the handle and the thickness and length of the fine needle.
The WandreyVet animal acupuncture needles have a silicone coating, which enables particularly easy and painless insertion into the tissue. The silver helix handle offers a secure grip in the hands and thus an optimal treatment of pets.
In our shop, you will also find acupuncture needles with plastic handles. They offer the advantage of a rigid handle. The needles are easy to use, especially for inexperienced acupuncture users, as the rigidity allows precise and therefore painless placement at the respective acupuncture point.
Do you have questions about our vet supplies or are you looking for a specific veterinary product or acupuncture needles for your pet? Our friendly customer service will be happy to help you. You can reach us by phone, email or in our convenient live chat.