Obstetrical Instruments for Large Animals
When all goes to plan, foaling usually takes about 30 minutes, calving takes between 30 minutes and one hour. Veterinarians only need to intervene if the birth does not proceed normally, is interrupted, prolonged or impossible. The reasons for a difficult birth (dystocia) include, for example, weakness in labour, malpresentation, position or posture of the foal or calf, as well as twin pregnancies.
In large animal medicine, obstetrical instruments are necessary for difficult births or the extraction of dead foetuses. These include obstetric ropes and chains as well as eye hooks.
Obstetric Ropes & Chains for Assisting Foaling/Calving
Normally a foal or calf is born with its front feet and head first. Even with a correct position, a stalled labour or at least a significant slowing down can occur at this point. In this case, an obstetric rope or obstetric chain is placed as a loop around one or both forelimbs.
In unison with the mare or cow's contractions, a veterinarian can apply traction in a caudal and ventral direction. It is especially important to pull in unison with the contractions. The Calving Chain with 2 Links from Hauptner & Herberholz is perfect for birth assistance in large animals. It is fastened over the fetlock joints of the calves or foals and does not constrict despite its tight fit.
The Nylon Calving Rope can be boiled and is therefore a suitable, hygienic aid. The flat nylon birth rope is the safe alternative to conventional birth ropes. It ensures firm traction without damaging the skin of the young animal.
Blunt & Pointed Eye Hooks
Eye hooks in blunt and pointed versions are another instrument used in large animal obstetrics. These are used to correct head malposition or to fix the head of the foetus for extraction. To reduce the risk of injury, pointed hooks are only used on dead foetuses.
The Harms Eye Hook is an obstetrical hook. It is used as an aid during the birth of large animals and is suitable for correcting malposition of the head and for fixing it during extraction.
High-quality stable instruments for obstetrics in large animals can be found in this category. Do you have any questions about the individual products? Feel free to contact our customer service - via e-mail, phone or live chat.
Editors: Elisa May, Elke Nieder